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Barbary Sheep Hunts

New Mexico Barbary sheep hunts are some of the best free range sheep hunting there is across the southwest. Aoudad are native to north Africa and were introduced in New Mexico in the 1950's. Like Africa the barbary sheep have adapted to the dry, rough desert terrain here in New Mexico. These hunts can be challenging with a lot of miles with boots on the ground. Spot and stalk is the way we hunt these majestic sheep. A lot of time will be spent behind the glass, picking apart the rough desert country. We hunt public land and is 100% free range for these sheep. These are draw hunts through the state and take place from late October and go through the end of February;. While hunting Sheep hunters should arrive in great shape in order to deal with the rugged terrain and long hikes experienced on these hunts. Also, it is good to know your rifle and be confident with your set up and be able to shoot some long distances 300-500 yards.
Units 32,34,36,37
Bow - Jan 1-15 '2020
Rifle - Oct 12-16
Dec 7-20
Jan 20 - Feb 2 '2020
Feb 15 - Feb 28 '2020

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